New York

I want to live in New York City
I want to jog along a grey river
under a grey sky
and love no one
i want live in a box up in the air
and look out at the rain against the window
and feel nothing
i will only wear white clothes
and keep my hair short
and my body fit
I will own a small clean pet
i will be content
suspended in a matrix of crackling wires
the honk of horns and the squeal of tires
the sparks of light that fly from it all
buildings are like trees that cannot fall
I follow the path along the riverbank
under the bridge of living ghosts
lost in a crystal maze
I can see it, but I feel no pain
for the broken machines all around
some people don’t want to be found
don’t want to see the clouds disappear
sometimes I can feel the city
a hungry animal that eats its young
whos faces sprout up years later
on the heads of flowers
that line the banks of the Hudson River
the evening sun still echoing off their skin
golden shards slicing the water
hands like cups
hold the things they never owned
finding their own path home


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